Alberto Zilocchi | PADS AND LINES

Alberto Zilocchi | PADS AND LINES

Alberto Zilocchi

Friday 29 April 2016
from 18,30 all 21,30

The Gallery SPACE TESTONI of Bologna in its rooms in Via D'Azeglio 50, It presents the first solo exhibition of Alberto Zilocchi after his death in 1991. The exposure PADS AND LINES opens Friday 29 April at 18,30 and it will remain visible until Saturday 02 July 2016 .

The rediscovery of the artistic work of Alberto Zilocchi was made possible thanks to the research of Maurizio de Palma, Italian art collector and enthusiast of the years "60 and 70", that through the works accompanied by the historical materials presented in this exhibition, tells us that his exceptional experience:

"After years of participation as observer, and sometimes as a collector, the most important contemporary art events, I have acquired contacts and I had the opportunity to confront different artists and gallery , thus beginning my personal Italian artistic expressiveness Search through the 60s and 70s. About two years ago my research led me to learn about the work of Alberto Zilocchi and then to reconstruct the various phases of her life, through various references, at the end they put me in touch with his family.
The idea to create a project of discovery and exploitation of the work is then Zilocchi Alberto came by itself, After long conversations with family, which allowed me to deepen the direct knowledge of his works.
E 'was exciting to rediscover his writings, regain some of his Milanese years of photographic images "50, “60 e “70, remember with family that atmosphere that Alberto, born in 1931, fully lived, with the restlessness of his teenage years.
Alberto was not interested in the market, He created his works only driven by his emotion and his constant desire to express themselves through what they realized.
After an initial activity in the informal sector, Alberto Zilocchi creates his unmistakable Reliefs on boards supported by complex rigid frames, always in wood, holding perfectly flat surfaces to strictly white matte acrylic, as a synthesis of all colors, where they stand out with almost sculptural effect of the light and shade formed by mountains that rise on the table and then fade until it reaches zero in the table itself.
This rigorous use of the white choice, never denied, It is one of the reading of his work keys.

Alberto Zilocchi 1977


Over the years' 70 and particularly later in the year "80 Zilocchi also realizes the lines are made on paper or white canvas then applied on wood, Graphos drawn with black Rotring based on complex mathematical formulas which he identified, where the 'random' component has a decisive weight. Eg, the use of the dice throwing on the table and the result of which was inserted in its formulas, He determined the length of the lines, their inclination and their thickness.
In the course of his life, Alberto Zilocchi, as well as in Italy, It exhibited particularly in northern European countries: in Germany, Finland, Sweden, Poland, England, etc.., with more than 100 exhibitions in his biography, and also he joined the Northern European Movement Neocostruttivista actively participating in their meetings.

Alberto Zilocchi 1981


His death in 1991, his family decided to close in a vault all his artistic production not feeling ready for a dealership of his work.
With Testoni Space gallery in Bologna, along with the Family Zilocchi, we decided to share the experience of rediscovering the public on its work and we started to present it in January last year in Bologna Art Fair on the occasion of the 40th edition, where the works of Zilocchi have met with great approval by collectors and 'insiders' of the art world works.
And now, This first solo exhibition of Alberto Zilocchi after his passing in the halls of the Gallery Space Testoni, It is an opportunity to meet again with all those who have asked us to be able to deepen the knowledge of his works, that in this exhibition are accompanied by photographic documentation, publications and historical materials that until we found premiums and allowing all visitors to retrace its history and its artistic life. ".

Alberto Zilocchi
(Bergamo 1931 – 1991), he attended in Milan the Vanguard art from the mid '50.
He met Lucio Fontana - with whom he has also exhibited in 1960 the Gallery of Bergamo Torre – Enrico Castellani, Augustine Bonalumi and especially Piero Manzoni.
With Piero Manzoni signed the Manifesto Bar in Jamaica 1957 along with other visitors of that famous point of artistic and cultural meeting in Milan, including Guido Biasi, Angelo Verga, Ettore Sordini, and participated in the second exhibition at the Galleria Azimut in Milan, from 22 December 1959 to the 3 January 1960, together with the same Manzoni and Friends, Boriani, Castellani, Colombo, Dadamaino, de Vecchi, Seas and Massironi.
He approached in the late 60's also the Vanguards of the Zero Group in Düsseldorf, Alberto Zilocchi in those years begin to realize Reliefs.
Thanks to his frequent exhibitions across Europe, the artistic evolution of Alberto Zilocchi him since the mid “70 to embrace the Northern European Movement of Conceptual Concrete Constructivist, becoming an active member of the International Centre for Constructive Art Studies and begins to also realize the Lines.
The artistic career of Alberto Zilocchi extension in various fields, such as the set design for the Teatro Donizetti in Bergamo in the early '60, She saw him star in over 100 solo and group exhibitions in Italy and mostly in Northern Europe between the 1957 and the 1990.
After his death in 1991, for the first time the SPACE TESTONI Gallery of Bologna has presented his works in the section Only Show in Bologna Art Fair 2016 and from 29 April to 02 July 2016 in the halls of the gallery will be exhibited his works accompanied by historical materials and photographic images on his artistic life.



Via D'Azeglio 50 – 40123 BOLOGNA
Such. +39 051 371272 – 051 580988 +39 3356570830 –

Opening time:
Tuesday to Friday from 16.00 all 20.00
Saturday from 10,30 all 13,00 and from 16,00 all 20,00
Sunday, Mondays and other times by appointment